Highlights in the Garden
Week Ending September 11, 2009
(In preparation for being on vacation this week, these photographs were taken
in anticpation of what would be exciting in the garden for this week)

Red Kuri Winter Squash
The Vegetable Garden

Paeonia obovata
The Asian Woods

Delosperma cooperi
The Ruin and Gravel Garden

"Great Grains"
Amaranthus gangeticus 'Elephant Head'
Amaranthus cruentus 'Hot Biscuits' and
Sorghum bicolor 'Texas Black'
The Cut Flower Garden

Broussonetia papyrifera 'Golden Shadow'
Chanticleer House Croquet Lawn

Atlas Cotton
The Serpentine

Lagerstroemia 'Dynamite'
The Tennis Court Garden

The Ruin Garden Library


Zinnia elegans 'Righteous Red' and Zinnia elegans 'Queen Red Lime'
The Cut Flower Garden

The Teacup Garden