Highlights in the Garden
Week Ending July 24, 2009

Lycoris sanguinea var. kiushiana
The Asian Woods

Fuschia x hybrida 'Sanihanf'
The Chanticleer House Overlook

Helianthus annuus and Alcea rosea 'Carnival'
The Cut Flower Garden

Dahlia 'Classic Elise'
The Tennis Court Garden

Euphorbia corollata
The Pond Garden
Agastache (self sown)
The Ruin and Gravel Garden

Alisa Craig Exhibition Onion
The Vegetable Garden

Capsicum annuum 'Aurora'
The Teacup Garden

"Mulch Madness"
The Stream Garden

Callirhoe involucrata
The Ruin and Gravel Garden